Mudae Commands List on Discord Server
17 mins read

Mudae Commands List on Discord Server

It is time to take advantage of Mudae on the Discord Bot. The Mudae commands accumulate a diverse collection of discord bots with considerable and prominent youngsters’ cravings for manga, anime, or video games.

If you’re a fan of Bot Discord and its games, then make the most of the Mudae commands listed below.

Explore the Mudae Bot Commands

Let’s indulge in what the Mudae bot discord suggests. It is one of the most prominent anime discord bots thanks to its accumulation of Waifu and husbandos commands.

It has almost 40,000 different Husbandos, and Waifu commands that are specifically helpful in mudae command execution.

You might feel a significant difference between what the Mudae Discord offers and what the Karuta bot suggests for corresponding in a much similar way.

Saya Akdepskal enabled you to animate your bot with a concept to ease through the other bot’s effort. With constant updates on a perpetual basis, it can help amend its characters with refreshed anime concepts for a comprehensive database.

With an amalgamation of over 65,000 Mudae commands for Waifu and Husbandos, they present issues ranging from marriage and divorce.

Its essential integration gets officially acclaimed animes, comics, manga, and other videos.

Deploying Mudae Bot on a Discord Server

The way to enter the world of Discord Mudae seems to be a gallant one, and how to get Mudae Bot on a Discord Server appears to be a simple option.

Adding different bots to your Discord server requires a similar procedure to adding the Mudae Bot.

You can also read this : DISCORD POLL AND HOW TO CREATE IT

Steps To Add on the Discord Server

The following few steps will navigate you through the world of gaming adventures.

  1. The first thing you can do to acquire the Mudae Bot is invite it to your server. That is quickly accessible from the official Mudae Bot website in a few simple steps. Directly ask to make a connection using an invitation. It will surely help you get through your favorite game. Discord could be its next exciting platform for its devoted fans.
  2. Getting on your Discord Server with Mudae Bots surely helps you sign in first. Once you have connected using the invited link, the Discord Server will allow you to add on your favorite Mudae Bot. As a result, go to your Discord server to get synchronized with your Discord account.
  3. Add Mudae Bot to it after selecting the Discord server you want to include. Just remember to ask for permission before accessing any of your chosen bots, as it seems to be a mandatory step before integrating them onto your required server. Furthermore, consent for updating your discord server gets taken into account from the Setting Menu.

Get Assistance On Mudae Commands Via Members Group

For more information on joining Mudae Bot Support, it can be of great help if you encounter any problems with your bots or commands on your Mudae server. The assistance of a group member can assist you in resolving your concern through all possible means.

Mudae Bot Commands: How to Use Them

How can you use Mudae Bot after adding it into Discord Server? Is it an exciting gaming experience? Let’s learn how ardent fans can get started with Waifu and Husbandos in their chat rooms. Users can also claim their Waifu and Husbandos with the help of commands.

As we all know, Mudae Bot is one of the collections of Waifu Gacha games. Amongst the colossal game collection of 50,000 anime and gaming characters, it lets you experience customizing your characters. Furthermore, you can catch your favorite Pokemon or play other multiplayer games.

As a result, I’ll show you how to get your favorite characters by playing your favorite games.

With the advantage of 10 switches in anime characters, a user can get the whole adventure of a desirable experience with varied anime characters. Once you have used up all your chances to roll your character, you will need to wait to refresh as you will have an opportunity to move it again.

Then, soon after you have claimed any character for a specific time, waiting on refresh and reclaiming will then reactivate your gameplay.

Mudae Bot Essential Commands 

With the acquisition and utilization of your favorite game, Mudae Bot can help resolve disputes thanks to its easy-to-implement commands.

You can have five to six sets of commands that help acquire your gaming experience. Let’s explore it in complete detail with the mudae command list.

  1. $tu
  2. $h
  3. $m
  4. $w
  5. $mm
  6. $im [character name]
  7. $note [character name] $[custom description]
  8. $c [character name] $ [# of images]

Extensive Information On Each Mudae Commands Code


One of the crucial Mudae Bot commands is “$tu,” which stands for “time up.” It entails the whole range of things you can attain in your Mudae Bot gameplay. For instance, how many times can you use your Gacha to roll for a new character?

It, furthermore, helps you display the number of claims for a character for a particular time. If you have already claimed the character, it will reveal how much time remains before addressing another new character claim.


$m is one of three essential Mudae Bot commands that stand for marriage. Thanks to this command, the user can marry any random character out of the rolled anime characters.

Moreover, the rolled character always remains random despite being the Husbando (male) or Waifu (female), or both.


This command is only applicable to rolls for Waifu but not for Husbandos in any case. It stands for Waifu, which acts similar to the $m command. However, the mere difference is that of gender.

So, whatever collection you are interested in gathering up, it’s all meant for Waifu. You can even roll specific anime for marriage using ($wa) and female game characters ($wg).


It stands for Husbando being one of the last essential Mudae Bot characters. It works pretty similarly to the rest of the commands. However, it is meant for husbandos specifically.
You can use this command to build a husbandos collection for yourself. You can even use it for specific anime ($ha) or male character games ($hg) for marriage.


This command stands for “my marriage” and lets you get your harem or list for your marriage characters. Moreover, you can explore the detailed list of all the characters you have married.


If you are interested in grabbing some unique character from your harem, then the “$im” mudae command followed by its character name can surely help you acquire such an opportunity.

It allows you to view their images along with a portfolio description such as their name, which anime or game they belong to, and how much Kakera they are worth on the gaming horizon.

Furthermore, how often the users have claimed it and how many likes and acknowledgments they have acquired are irrelevant. This command is not only meant for any character you intend to marry; you can use it for any anime character.

It can even work for games and series with the help of $ima [anime/game]. It will show all the listed characters integrated into the Mudae bot games.

$note [character name] $ [custom description]

This command lets you describe the character and the personalized notes for Husbandos and Waifus. After doing all the required steps, the user can check for the harem character with the individual description.

The checkmark indication will appear as soon as the user successfully executes it. It will show that it’s already worked out.

$c [character name] $ [# of image]

This command is to customize and change the character image for any specific anime. You can get the chance to change or customize pictures more than once for all the anime characters.

Furthermore, you can specify the number of images for the default anime characters. As discussed above, you can even suffice with emoji for rolling your claimed character. The character name can be available for marriage once you have reacted by using emoji in your collection.

List of All Mudae Bot Commands

The list of Mudae bot commands will go up to more than 450 commands. These commands are typically related to customization, moderation, and utility, to name a few.

You can also group the Mudae commands into certain clusters. Here is the list of them and their functions.

Harem Arrangement

  • $divorce: Divorcing a character.
  • $firstmarry: Change your preferred character.
  • $give: Gifting the player mentioned (limited)
  • $marryexchange: Exchange characters with a player mentioned.
  • $mymarry: make an inventory of conquests.
  • $profile: Display your server profile.
  • $sortmarry: Sort the characters.


  • $fn: Search the notes in your harem.
  • $fnall: Find the notes in all the harems.
  • $infomarry: Search for a character.
  • $infomarrya: Find for a series.
  • $left: Check the character’s number in your server.
  • $top: Analyzing the top 1000 characters.
  • $topserv: Rank the server characters.


  • $addcustom: Add a custom character.
  • $addimg: Add a custom image for your character.
  • $alias: Exchange the main name for your available alias.
  • $alias2: Change your secondary alias to anything for your character.
  • $alist: Starring for available aliases for your character.
  • $changeimg: Swap the list of your favorite characters.
  • $like: Add a character to the likelist.
  • $likelist: Examining the list of your favorite characters.
  • $note: Putting a text adjacent to a character.
  • $noteimg: Add messages for images.
  • $randomimg: Randomizing images during rolls.
  • $rollsleft: Swapping the position of the ‘2 rolls left’ message.


  • $antidisable: Stop the deactivation of the series from the rolls.
  • $bonus: Examining the list of your unlocked bonuses.
  • $disable: Disable a series from the rolls.
  • $hideinfodisable: Hide emojis that indicate the character’s disabling.
  • $imglink: Showing the image links.
  • $marryup: examining how much time is left before the next claim.
  • $overview: Check the list of your player settings.
  • $personalrare: Swapping the spawn rarity of characters that you own.
  • $rollsup: Number of rolls that remain prior to the following reset.
  • $selfreset: Inquiring about the list of commands for a full reset.
  • $setfooter: Showing the name or series during your rolls under the image.
  • $timersup: Number of timers joined in a single message.
  • $tip: showing a tip.
  • $toggleirl: Disable or enable series with people for your rolls IRL.
  • Stogglewestern: Disable or enable the western series from animanga rolls.
  • $tuarrange: customize the information shown with the previous command.
  • $wish: Add a character to the $wishlist for you to be mentioned.
  • $wishseries: being mentioned for each character of the series.


  • $forcedivorce: (admin) let go of a character.
  • $cleanuser: (admin) Readjust harem and wishes from a user.
  • $userdivorce: Refix, the harem of the character’s owner.
  • $thanos: (admin) aimlessly divorce half of a user harem.
  • $thanosall: (admin) Separate half of the harem of each player in the server.
  • $bitesthedust: (server owner) set all server harems again.
  • $clearnotes: (admin) Remove the notes of a user.
  • $clearwishes: (admin) Readjust the wishes of a user.
  • $resetalias2: (admin) Set again all $alias2 for a user’s characters OR unclaimed characters.
  • $fullreset: (admin) Full reset commands List (for instance, aliases, images, wishes, disabled lists, embedcolors, keys…)
  • $leftusers: Player’s List who left the server with characters/wishes/kakera.
  • $restorelist: Divorced character’s List by moderation commands.
  • $restore: (admin) Put back a character from the restorelist.
  • $channeldeny: (admin) Deactivate some commands in the current channel.
  • $channelrestrict: (admin) Limit some commands so they will only be used in the current channel.
  • $setchannel: (admin) Archaic version of $channeldeny.
  • $restrict: (owner) Enclose some commands to a role so only this role can use the commands.
  • $deny: (owner) Refuse some commands for a role.
  • $setpermission: (owner/admin) Archaic version of $restrict. Useful for $addimg, $alias, and $kakerarefund.
  • $togglesilent: (owner) Change how the bot answers deactivated commands.
  • $givecustom: (admin) Allow an unclaimed custom character.

Server Options:

  • $settings: List of the server settings.
  • $setrare: (admin) Swap the spawn rarity of owned characters.
  • $settimer: (admin) Convert the number of seconds meanwhile you can claim a character.
  • $setrolls: (admin) Reduce or gain the number of rolls for the whole server.
  • $setclaim: (admin + server premium I/II) switch the claimed interval (up to one per hour).It will be used by non-premium to gain the interval.
  • $shifthour: (admin) Transfer the exact hour of the claim reset.
  • $setinterval: (admin + server premium II) switch the exact minute of the claim/rolls reset.
  • $haremlimit: (admin) swap the maximum number of characters per user.
  • $togglereact: (admin) switch the automatic addition of hearts under the rolls.
  • ​$channelinstance: (admin) Make a new instance (server) in the channel.
  • $gamemode: (admin) Swap the server game mode.
  • $servlimroul: (mode 2, admin) Deactivate the less popular characters.
  • ​$toggleclaimrolls: (admin) Show or not claim ranks during rolls.
  • $togglelikerolls: (admin) Exhibit or not like ranks during rolls.
  • $togglekakerarolls: (admin) View or not the kakera value during rolls.
  • $togglehentai: (admin) Toggle Hentai series.
  • $toggledisturbing: (admin) Toggle series containing horror images.
  • $toggleclaimrank: (admin) On-off switch character ranking by the number of claims.
  • $togglelikerank: (admin) Power switch character ranking by the number of likes.
  • $serverdisable: (admin) Rolls-disable up to 750 characters for entire server.
  • $togglesnipe: (admin) Turn the possibility to claim on other players’ rolls.
  • $togglekakerasnipe: $togglesnipe for kakera.


Gather kakera and earn advantages for the marry roulette!

  • $kakera: Purchase kakera badges to unlock bonuses.
  • $kakerareward: Kakera badges elaborated rewards.
  • $kakeratower: Construct towers with kakera for more rewards.
  • $infokl: Get even more rewards with kakera lootboxes.
  • $kakeraup: Time left before you can respond again to a kakera.
  • $dailykakera: Receive a daily amount of kakera.
  • $topservk: Kakera server ladder.
  • $givekakera: Offer kakera to someone.
  • $kakeradm: Where or whether you must be notified for Silver IV/Bronze IV/Emerald IV bonuses.
  • $mk: (premium) Force release or produce a kakera (1 to 3 per hour).
  • ​$togglekakera: (admin) Enable/disable the different means of gathering kakera.
  • $togglekakerarolls: (admin) Show or not the kakera value during rolls.
  • $badgevalue: (admin) Switch the base value of some kakera badges.
  • $cleankakera: (admin) List of kakera refix commands.
  • $givescrap: (admin) offer kakera scraps to any user.
  • $kakerascrap: Notice the number of kakera scraps for your server.

:bronzekey: KEYS:
You can unlock the full potential of your character and get more rewards!
Roll characters you already own and unlock for them: $embedcolor command, additional kakera earnings, expanded kakera value, and let them join your Soulmate list.
More Infos with $infokeys

What If Mudae Commands Don’t Work?

The restriction that abides your anime character to halt comes into effect after rolling up ten characters. For that reason, the user has to wait for half an hour until the cool-down period is over. You can then refresh and acquire another chance for selecting your Husbandos or Waifu.

Time is another restriction that doesn’t let you claim your Husbando or Waifu character. The user has a 3-hour time limit during which no user can claim on the Waifu or Husbandos command.

Mudae Bot makes the collection of all popular Waifu lists, along with the points for each anime character, in case you’ve gathered up to 15 Waifus. The list containing the renowned 15 Waifu collection with the highest anime character point will be at the top of the ranking on the Discord server.

Apart from the Mudae Bot gaming mods, you can get another five mini-games on it as well.

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