How to Play Green Glass Door Game (Pro Tips)
6 mins read

How to Play Green Glass Door Game (Pro Tips)

Do you know any game that can play as an icebreaker in a gathering of strangers? Yes, we know one such. It is called Green Glass Door Game.

But the game has one precondition.

You need at least 3 people.

In this article, we will shell out the pro tips on how to play Green Glass Door Game like a PRO.

What is this Green Glass Door Game, anyway?

The name Green Glass Door has stuck as odd to many at the first moments. The game breaks down to the main gist, replacing the blank with the right word. This condition led to the exciting conclusion of winning the game by rival players.

So read on to learn what new tips you can learn to impress your friends.

What are the Tricks of the Green Glass Door?

green glass door game similar
green glass door game similar

The requirement of players in the game is not many. A few players can also play the game efficiently. The most fun part is that you have to drink when you lose.

  • The game will start with these lines: I AM Going to Bring Something to Get Past the Green Glass Door.
  • The coming player will follow your lead by either switching the person or object to get through the Green Glass Door.
  • This will lead the game in the circle, with each player looking for answers for it. Some will find it, while some will be left frustrated. Nevertheless, that is the beauty of this game.
  • The game will end at the point when each player rightly guesses the code.

What are the rules?

The rules are not as simple as it seems. Plus, on top of that, the cherry on the cheese is you will have to figure out the rules yourself.

In the game, many clues are hidden. The player’s task is to uncover these hidden clues so that the actual rule cannot be concealed.

So, this game suits the Riddler. Or someone good at logic to beat the other players in the game.

Keep a Good Look at “Words”

The game requires extreme focus instead of pure intellect or synthesis. By focusing a minute closely, the answer will be kay in front of you. So, any who is attentive will have a lead over others in this game. Moreover, the players will be on edge to get ahead of each other. The answer lies in being attentive.

Find “Double Letter” Logic

But still, if you are confused and cannot figure out the hack to crack it. Then follow the below to get hold of some tricks to get ahead of your friends in this game.

So, the trick lies in the drum roll, hence the double letter. The answer may frustrate your cos all the time, you were aiming at logic, but the answer is anything but.

Every player can cast the name with double letters such as Pen and Pencil via the Green Glass Door. You can guess these names by focusing on the words uttered by any other play that cracks the code.

Other Fun Ways to Play the Game

  • You can play the game as Doormen, whose duty is to act as the gateway to allow the object to get through the green glass door.
  • Plus, you can make the game more complex for the other person by involving difficult items of the word relationship.
  • This mode can also be turned into a fun family riddle where your friends and families can try solving the puzzle of the green glass door.

Pro Tips: How to Decide Other Players in Green Glass Door

Below are the pro tips (read: hoaxes) to impress your friends with your skills in the game and hook their attention to the game. Read on!

The Category Hoax

As soon as the game starts, the circle will begin where every player, on its turn, says the same sentence but with different words—followed by the next round, you set off by mentioning alike fruit names. This will prick up their ears and take the bait by guessing the fruit category. But they will end up thinking the wrong.

These related words can deceive the other players and let you secure your win. Below are some of the hoaxes that can win you matches:

  1. In the category of dairy hoaxes, there comes cheese and butter or milk and yogurt. While the former is correct but the latter is incorrect.
  2. Meanwhile, there are lion/rhino poodles or dogs in the category of animals. In this sequence, the former is correct while the latter is incorrect.
  3. In clothes slippers/coats, shoes or shirts. In this, too, the former is correct while the latter is incorrect.

The appeal of this trick is to get the player thinking about something else and do the unexpected. Plus, the game will not be abruptly stopped by this. But in fact, it will continue to be more exciting and intriguing.

The Relation Hoax

Another hoax is called relation. And it is called this for a purpose. You can confuse your friends by selecting words linked or related to each other. This hoax works the same as the previous one. It baits the player to guess the related word they thought was right, but they end up guessing the wrong relationship.


This article explains the pro tips, hoaxes, and other hacks to get the best of your friends in the game of green glass door. These tips, hacks, and information are not widely known, so there is little chance that others will know it. Hence giving you the max edge.

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